A Complete System | Business in a Box
Though life experiences in network marketing I felt is was necessary to share a complete system that would allow others to the duplicate this simple business in a box.
My name is Rodney Robinson I am married and I have 2 great children. As a IT professional, Internet marketer, and Day trader I have seen my share of business opportunities. Whether it is a MLM business going out of business or having sponsors trying to steal your prospects because they only care about themselves, I have seen it.
These actions made me want to ensure that others do not have to travel the same road I crossed. I wanted to find a complete system per say a business in a box that will destroy these obstacles.
Low Cost Business
You see, I have been to those huge Saturday meetings with the major event speaker whom are there to jump start momentum into your busine
ss. I have created a list of friends and associates, and I personally found it very difficult reaching out to my warm market prospects trying to getting them to commit to an event I felt could change their lives.
I later realized my business opportunity was draining my finances given $299.00 start-up cost $125.00 auto-ship and also marketing fees. There was pressure to begin sponsoring others immediately. With these cost I realize that a business opportunity had to be a low cost opportunity that had really good product or service. To view what I found CLICK HERE!
Online Marketing
It wasn’t until 5 years ago that I was introduced to Online Marketing. Using this type of marketing method meant I would never run out of prospects to market my business too. Now I am not wasting time trying to persuade someone who doesn’t have the mindset to be their own boss. My online prospects are individuals looking to make extra money from home therefore they are looking for my offer. I am now finding people that are right for my business using a Power Lead System try it for FREE.
So as you can see I have a great marketing system in place. With that said, I still enjoy direct marketing to people I see in my everyday life. You know it is not because I need to have them in my business but it more about truly having a desire to “Help Other’s Help Themselves“. Why? Because, I know that I my experiences in marketing will help to develop those whom have a desire to change their financial mindset.
Lastly, you must have traffic to your business; I show you how to get traffic and get paid to do so! To view a method CLICK HERE!
Now, I must say I have a complete system in place today! What I have figured out, is changing the way internet marketers are building their business. I have implemented variables into a formula that puts your business into project “auto-pilot duplication”.
I know some of you are saying, I already have my business opportunity and I love! I know we all love our business opportunities; the great thing is you can plug your own business into this formula. However, my low cost business opportunity gives me the luxury to do more with marketing in my system.